· Chemistry : 96
· History : 94
· Sociology-Geography : 97
· Biology : 78 (Waah jelek nih)
Kimia, sejarah, sama soc-geo udah bagus taunya biology malah kurang memuaskan. Padahal targetku: semua ulangan harus diatas 90!! Sayangnya biology 78. Yah, tapi dikelasku itu udah termasuk lumayan. Yang lainnya nilainya pada lebih jelek lagi, kecuali Dhea. Dhea dapet nilai 81.5, paling tinggi dikelas.
Yaaah, yang penting nilai-nilai yang lain harus bagus lah. Hari ini tuh aku ada tes matematika, civic, sama English conversation. Matematika soalnya nggak terlalu susah, tapi aku nyesel banget gara-gara yang tadinya aku jawabnya udah bener, malah aku ganti… Aduuuh! Tapi, semoga aja nilainya tetep bagus. Trus kalo civic sih lumayan gampang. Nah, kalo English conversation rada’ ancur. Kan tesnya suruh ceritain ulang film yang udah pernah ditonton. Aku ceritain tentang “The Adventure of Food Boy”. Aku udah bikin persiapan sih di rumah, tapi belum terlalu hafal. Trus aku udah dipanggil. Pertamanya sih lumayan lancar. Trus pas di tengah-tengah, aku bingung ngomong apa. Trus aku ngomong “eeh.. emm..”. duh, aku jadi takut nilainya jelek deh. Dibawah ini ada synopsis dari The Adventures of Food Boy
The Adventures of Food Boy
Directed by: Dane Cannon
Produced by: Marc MangumSam MangumMelissa Brady
Written by: Marc Mangum
Starring: Lucas Grabeel, Brittany Curran, Noah Bastian, Ryne Sanborn, Joyce Cohen
The story is about a teenage boy, Ezra Chase. Ezra plans to run for the School President, but all his plans go wrong when at his 5900th day of life he discovers that he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. While he was giving a speech at school, meat suddenly came out of his hand and hit his opponent and Mr. Lund, his teacher. At first he thought that he was a freak, because he didn’t know how to control his powers, and food came appearing from his hands. But, when he found out that his grandma also had the same ability as him, he learns to control his ability and uses it to impress his friends, and become famous in school. His friends, Shelby, Joel, and Dylan also starts to get famous at school. But, everything doesn’t always go as Ezra wants, and his life gets uncontrollable. But then he discovers that if he doesn’t use his ability on his 59th day, he will lose the power forever. So, he plans not to use his powers on the 59th day. On Ezra’s 59th day, he started to cause trouble at school. He turned the cafeteria into a food fighting zone. He started a food fight at school. He gets into trouble, and his grandma and grandpa were called into the headmaster’s office. But, at that time, Ezra decides to not give up his power. As her grandma says, “Not all superheroes fight crime”.